Morrisons grant awarded

Headway Preston and Chorley has been successful in obtaining a grant to fund a healthy eating project. The Morrison’s Foundation awarded £2960.00 for the new project starting in January 2017.morrisons

If in doubt sit it out!

If in Doubt Sit it Out! FlyerHeadway is asking local sports clubs to ‘be concussion aware’ as part of a national campaign launched on 9th May 2016.  When the campaign is officially launched in May, sports clubs and academic institutions will have access to a range of materials, including a factsheet giving advice about concussion, posters to display both online and in changing rooms, and a digital stamp to demonstrate the club has adopted a responsible approach to concussion. In the meantime, Headway Preston and Chorley is inviting sports clubs to register interest in supporting the campaign or fundraising for the charity during Action for Brain Injury Week.

For further information on the campaign, visit or to find out how you can support Headway Preston and Chorley during Action for Brain Injury Week and beyond, call 01772 791460 or e-mail


Sapphire Ball raises over £6K

The Headway Sapphire Ball on Saturday 9th April at Preston Marriott hotel was a huge success raising over £6000.00. The first event of this kind for the charity was well attended by local businesses and donations of prizes exceeded expectations. Liz Bamber, organiser and Charity Manager said, ‘the evening was amazing and we did not expect to raise as much as £6000.00. We were overwhelmed by the support from local businesses and individuals wanting to help. The cash boost will safeguard services for at least 3 months which is fantastic’.

Headway Preston awarded Big Lottery grant

Big Lottery Fund - Lottery FundedHeadway Preston and Chorley has been awarded a Big Lottery grant of £6075.00. The money will fund a 12 month ‘relationships after brain injury project’ for adults who have sustained a brain injury through an accident, infection or illness. After a brain injury some people lose their sense of identity due to personality changes which has an impact on their relationships with others. It can be difficult for the person to come to terms with and difficult for families who feel the person they once knew and loved has slipped away, together with their character and their individual ways. If you would like to book a place please telephone 01772 791460 or 07583 637 197

Or email:

Tipping family supports Headway

We are delighted to announce that Mark and Nicola Tipping who raise money for local charities through their festive lights display are supporting Headway this year. The couple, who live in Cottam, were given a British Citizen Award for service to volunteering and charitable giving this year awarded to them at the Palace of Westminster. Please visit the display in Valentines Meadow, Cottam PR4 0LF and make a donation to the worthwhile causes.

Tipping family supports Headway


Think aHead and keep yourself safe on your night out

Headway Preston & Chorley is urging people to keep safe over the festive period to avoid acquiring a head or brain injury. Headway’s message is clear; keep yourself safe, look after your friends and get home safely.

The campaign is all about thinking ahead and being mindful of the dangers of acquiring a head injury while out celebrating, particularly while drinking alcohol. Keeping an ICE number (in case of emergency) in your phone and planning how you are going to get home is just as important as the night out itself.

According to recent statistics a large number of head injuries are sustained through trauma such as falls, assaults and road traffic collisions. If trauma to your brain is severe, it can lead to bleeding, bruising and swelling inside the brain and can even kill. Even a minor bump to the head can have long term effects and cause memory loss, depression and insomnia.

Liz Bamber, Headway campaign manager said: “Through our work at Headway, we are seeing a growing number of individuals who unfortunately acquire a traumatic brain injury though accidents and assaults. At this time of year in particular, people tend to enjoy more parties and nights out than usual and excessive drinking can lead to people being in more vulnerable positions, as a result accidents can and do happen. We are hoping that this campaign will help prevent more instances of brain injury and remind people to keep themselves safe and look out for others”.


Fletchers Solicitors raise £7000 for Headway

The annual golf day organised by Fletchers Solicitors is Headway Preston & Chorley’s biggest fundraising event of the year. It is an event which is attracting a regular following each year, and a number of local and national companies dust off their golf clubs to raise much needed funds for Headway. This year they raised a massive £7000. Liz Bamber, Project Manager for Headway in Preston said, “On behalf of the staff, volunteers and clients, I would like to thank Fletchers Solicitors for their ongoing support. We rely solely on fundraising to keep the charity going and the amount raised this year represents a fifth of our annual income which is a tremendous boost to our funds”.