Consultation on disability employment reforms

Headway will be contributing to the Government’s consultation on improving employment prospects for disabled people, which is due to close on 17 February. The consultation calls for views from the public to better understand what provisions can be made to improve the experience of disabled people in accessing and returning to work.

The consultation is open to people with brain injury, their families and carers, as well as organisations and professionals in the field.

Love A x

Pam and Andrew Dearden were volunteers at Headway Preston and Chorley from the start of the charity in 2010 until 2015. Pam never thought their life would take the route it did and this week she has published her book Love A x 


To purchase your copy for £7.99 plus postage and packing please email A donation from each book sale will be made to our charity.

Pam Dearden knew she would marry Andrew after their first date. His shiny shoes, shiny car, shiny hair and huge smile lit up her life and there was no going back.
Smooches on the doorstep at 3am soon turned to marriage and children and all seemed rosy.
Before too long however Pam had a niggling feel something was not quite right. A visit to the doctors prompted a scan on Andrews brain which revealed a lurking mass the size of a satsuma.
Doctors where initially confident the tumour would be straightforward to remove, however during surgery it turned out they were dealing with a very rare and complicated Haemangiopericytoma.

This is Pam’s gritty and cathartic story of their families devastating yet uplifting  journey through treatment, recovery and recurring illness, where love shone through to the end.

Liz Bamber, Headway manager said, Pam’s story is one of courage, determination and unconditional love for her husband and her children.

This book will make you cry and hug your family.

Our Patrons messages to Headway Preston and Chorley members

To everyone at Headway Preston and Chorley,download

I am writing to wish you all a very merry Christmas and happy New Year! 2016 has been an incredibly busy year for me. As
any Corrie fans among you may have noticed, my character – Nick Tilsley – has had quite a time of it recently, which is certainly keeping me on my toes! Its prevented me from making a return visit to see you all, but I remain a proud supporter of Headway and I am honoured to be a patron of Headway Preston and Chorley.
Wishing you all a happy and peaceful Christmas,


Ben Price Patron, Headway Preston and Chorley


To all at Headway
The work done by all over the past 12 months has been again invaluable to those who need the support of our charity. I’m sure it continues to be a great comfort knowing that all our employees and volunteers are there to help in any way they can. Keep up the great work. I’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2017.

Best wishes

Graham Alexander Patron, Headway Preston and Chorley


Walk away from Trouble

Headway Preston and Chorley has launched its winter safety campaign urging teenagers and young people to walk away from trouble to avoid a one punch head injury.

Liz Bamber, charity manager said, “this campaign is very important to us at Headway and we are extremely grateful to Ben Pennington and his family for telling their story and supporting our safety message. All of us at Headway wish Ben well in his rehabilitation”.


Cyber bullying

May people fall victim to cyber bullying which can range
frocyber-bullying-posterm hurtful comments to harassment.

People who have a brain injury can be more susceptible because of the effects of the disability.

There are steps you can take to protect yourself and your friends and also report any cyber bullying so the messages or photographs are removed from view.

To find out how to protect yourself on Facebook or Twitter here. If you are a brain injury survivor and need help to protect yourself contact us on 01772 791450.

Headway safe night out campaign

Headway in Preston is urging people, especially young people going out celebrating, to keep safe on a night out and be mindful of the effects of a ‘One Punch’ head injury.
Conflicts can happen in the blink of an eye and can escalate into serious assaults often fuelled by alcohol consumption and without any provocation.
Blows to the head can result in traumatic head and brain injury causing many problems which can be short or long term, depending on the severity of the injury. Speech, hearing, sight, personality, behaviour and physical movement can all be affected. This is because your brain controls everything you do, say, think and it controls your bodily movements. It’s our ‘on-board computer’ and if dassault_in_baramaged can cause life-changing injuries.
Liz Bamber Charity Manager and mother of a brain injury survivor said,” we see many young males at Headway who have been involved in assaults and most instances happen during a night out. We just want to pre warn people at this time of year to take care of themselves and their friends and get home safely.
Our message to parents is talk to your children before they leave the house, and to partygoers, walk away from trouble and look after your friends. If this advice saves one life we will have done our job”.
If you have already been affected by acquired brain injury contact us for advice and support.
Tel 01772 791460

Brain Injury ID Card

Brain Injury ID cards are now available through Headway UK and applications are being accepted. Earlier this year Headway Preston and Chorley was just one of the groups piloting the ID card scheme and over 40 clients took part. Following a recent evaluation, the card is now open to all clients of Headway who have an acquired brain injury.

Find out how to apply

Welcome to the new website

Welcome to Headway Preston and Chorley new website. We are delighted to launch our new site which has been funded by the Lloyds Bank Foundation.

Liz Bamber, Charity Manager said, ‘A lot of hard work has gone into the site over the past few months and we are delighted with the result. We would like to thank the Lloyds Bank Foundation for funding the project, AWP computers who have designed the site and UCLAN Graphic Design student Ellie Spickett who designed the brain image.


Fletchers Solicitors Raise £11,200.00!


Fletchers Solicitors has been supporting Headway Preston and Chorley for the past five years through their annual Golf Day event held at Hesketh Golf club in Southport. All staff at Fletchers have the opportunity to undertake charity work in their community and are regulars at helping Headway by donating their own time and expertise to our charity. Last year the company, who have just been voted among one of the top 100 companies to work for by the Sunday Times, raised £7000 through the golf day but have topped that this year by raising a massive £11,200!!

Liz Bamber Charity Manager said, “Fletchers staff, from management to apprentices, totally took over the organisation and management of golf day 2016, which was fantastic. We cannot quite believe the amount of money they have raised for us and we can only thank them all immensely for their hard work and dedication and we look forward to next years event!

Carers Group

A Carers Group for family members and carers of adults with an acquired brain injury has been set up after Headway secured match funding of £500 from ncompass. The group will meet on the second Wednesday of every month staring on 9th November 2016 at Headway, Heartbeat Centre, Sir Tom Finney Way, Preston PR1 6PA from 5.30pm – 7.00pm refreshments provided.

For more information contact Laura on 01772 791460